Programming for Problem Solving

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FLow Chart


Draw flow chart to find biggest among three given number


You may find biggest among three numbers, by comparing systematically two numbers at a time, as shown in flowchart below:

mermaid embedded diagram to check greatest among three numbers

Markdown code

Markdown used at MerMaid.

graph TD
1([Start]) --> 2["a ← x<br/> b ← y<br/>c ← z<br/>"]
2 --> 3{a > b}
3 -->|Yes| 4{a > c}
4 --> |Yes| 6[/Output a/]
4 -->|No| 8[/Output c/]
3 -->|No| 5{b > c}
5 --> |No| 8
5 --> |Yes| 7[/Output b/]
7 --> 9([Stop])
6 --> 9
8 --> 9